Laboratory Testing indicated for atypical BBP exposures
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 10:00am PT - 11:00am PT
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Credits Offered
This event offers
1.0 contact hour
to attendees.
Accreditation Info:
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 17664..
Additional Information
This lecture will define BBP exposures, describe standard testing, and describe atypical exposure scenarios and the appropriate testing for these situations.
- Identify which additional testing should be considered when evaluating a bilateral BBP exposure (i.e. where a worker and a patient are both exposed to each other).
- Identify what additional testing should be considered when the source patient has recent high-risk factors for HIV.
- Identify which follow-up tests are ideal for someone potentially exposed to Hepatitis C.
- Identify appropriate HIV testing for different pediatric age groups.
- Identify the different tests and the use of each in the context of a BBP exposure, including the Hep B core Ab.

Tim works at Oregon Health Sciences University for 10 years, where he has overseen several new programs and policies, including management of bilateral BBP exposures, prevention and management of Ribavirin exposures, and development of a Hearing Conservation program. Previously he worked at the University of Portland Health Center and with a needle exchange program for IV drug users.
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Additional Registration Information:
No Cost for AOHP members
$45 for non-members