Oregon State Association of Occupational Health Nurses

Chapter fees suspended again! Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Oregon State Association of Occupational Health Nurses

Posted 3 months ago by Kate Wood in Occupational Health

Relying on still healthy reserves, OSAOHN Board of Directors is pleased to be able to again offer local chapter membership at no cost to new and renewing nurses for 2024. 

As members of the national AAOHN, nurses can choose to join the Oregon State Chapter at no additional cost. Be sure to select Oregon and make it your primary chapter when joining or renewing with AAOHN.  Once you enroll as a Chapter member, be sure to update your Nursing Network status as an "Active" Oregon member.

New to practice? Reach out to OSAOHN experienced OHNs fellow members for support. 

Want to get certified? Certified OSAOHN fellow members can provide insight.

Overwhelmed by all the webinars, workshops and topics that relate to occupational practice? OSAOHN curates webinars or topics of interest to OHS practice and broadcasts information through Nursing Network. 

Make engagement in your professional organization chapter a 2024 New Year resolution. You'll be glad you did! 


Jean Drevdahl Orchard 3 months ago

This is a great way to see what OHN is all about in the state of Oregon!

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To inquire about membership, please contact us.