Oregon State Association of Occupational Health Nurses

OSAOHN introduces New Board of Director members for it's 50th Anniversary Year

Posted 5 months ago by Kate Wood in Occupational Health

On June 4, outgoing OSAOHN President, Jean Drevdahl Orchard, will introduce the incoming members of the 2024 Board of Directors.

The current Board, many of whom were elected in 2019, continued to serve along with former Board members who stepped up to sustain the Chapter through the pandemic. Elections this year phase in the replacement of the Board to be completed over the elections in 2025 and 2026. 

Lisa Rodriguez, COHN-S with St Charles in Bend, will serve as President, a role she has held for the Chapter in the past. 

Wendy Boughton, COHN-S, with SAIF, steps in as President Elect.

Rebecca Werner, DNP, Occupational Health Nurse Practitioner (OH-NP) for Asante Work Health in Medford will take on the role of Secretary

Marilyn Morgan, COHN-S recently retired Employee Health Nurse with the VA Hospital, will continue as Treasurer.

New Directors include:

Naomi Daily, OHN for 10 Boise Cascade mills spread throughout Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.  

Rebecca Sudduth, MSN Employee Health Nurse at Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center in Oregon City.

Julia Buss, PhD in Occupational and Environmental Health is the Nursing Education Consultant to AAOHN. 

Returning Directors include:

Chad Porch, COHN-S Employee Health with the VA Hospital.

Marlin Kendall, BSN formerly with SYSCO and currently in transition to School Nursing

Kate Wood, MN, Associate in Risk Management, retired Risk Manager


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